TESTIMONIAL from British TV, Film and Stage actor Adrian Lester :
Hello Martin,
I wasn't sure I wanted to buy a painting until I saw
Rise and Shine on the web. I checked the picture over
and really liked what I saw. The picture as shown on the web is
vibrant. But, In reality it is even more so. It seems
to pull the viewer in.
I'm very happy with it and every intention of picking
up some more in future.
Adrian Lester
Mr.Paul Standing:
Very honoured to be the proud owner of three pieces of Martin’s work, wherever displayed they bring a bright modern aspect to any room and I look forward to future purchases, Keep up the amazing work Martin!.
Danielle and Simon Horn:
Hello Martin,
My husband and I just received 'The Mercurial Me' and we are absolutely thrilled with it. The colours and textures could not have been fully appreciated on the web which makes us all the more grateful to have it in our home where we can continue to enjoy and ponder it.
We searched and searched for something we both connected with and when we finally saw your piece - we knew it was meant to be. It is our first piece of art in our first home and will always be special to us.
Thanks also for the great care you took when sending it to us.
Our very best wishes,
Danielle and Simon Horn
Lorraine and Richard Beesley:
Hi Martin
Just wanted to say we have Bentley up on the wall. We are soooo pleased with him, his eyes follow us around.
Thank you once again.
Lorraine, Rich & Joe xxx
Dima and Masha Skatov and their daughter Arina:
Proud owners of their new paintings: 'Her Fisherman and His Wife' and 'The Miracle'. The paintings finding their new home in Monchegorsk, in the Murmansk Region of Russia, on the Kola Peninsula.
Sandra Birch:
Hi Martin,
Just to let you know the paintings (Beach: Warmth and A Stone's Throw)have arrived safe and sound and in one piece - well two. I’m absolutely delighted with them. The colours are amazing and the blue one will take pride of place in my new music cave. I really admire your work and I am proud to be the owner of three now. Keep up the great work.
Thanks again
Neil and Pat Millar:
Thanks very much Martin, we're absolutely delighted with "Flamenco Unleashed" which is even more vibrant in reality than on the web. We're also now the proud owners of three of your pieces: Flamenco being the new edition to Current Over Coral II and Free Some Reds which we bought over 13 years ago. They are centrepieces in our own mini art gallery.
All the best
Neil and Pat Millar
Raff Vitale and Lorraine:
We are both really pleased with this stunning piece of artwork "The Beach: Spectre of the West". A cool, neutral, scenic and atmospheric view of the waters from the Sussex coast. A real sense of being pensive and a form of escapism when gazed at. Thanks Martin.
Cathryne Edmunds:
Sold in aid of the National Migraine Centre with 100% of the sale price being donated to the charity. On behalf of the NMC "thank you Cathryne".
The painting (Centrifuge) has pride of place in the hallway, the colours and textures are more vibrant than on the web and it brings a bright and modern look to the room. The only problem is that I am now hooked to this high quality painting and want more.
Once again thank you for allowing me to be the owner of this beautiful painting.